Churches in Rajasthan

In early 2022, Evangelist Ipe connected to young Pastor Abhishek Khihuri from the western Indian state of Rajasthan. He was impressed with the young Minister’s outreach programs for the youth among the rural and semi-urban areas of South East Rajasthan and bordering areas of neighbouring states of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Mathai Outreach Ministries started partnering with Pastor Abhishek and funded the youth program through the early part of 2022. Later in the year, the Ministry expanded the partnership further by supporting the construction of a new Church building close to the existing home church of Pastor Abhishek Kihuri’s Father Pastor Valsingh Kihuri, who has been running the local region ministry and trains and mentors several other young Pastors in the region.

Evangelist Ipe visited the area in November 2022 and conducted an inaugural prayer session with the Pastors and their congregants. The Church building was completed in time to celebrate Christmas 2022 and fully functional from New Year's Day on January 2023. Evangelist Ipe also ordained 10 Pastors during his visit who are part of Pastor Valsingh’s team and have outreaches spread out in the region. Evangelist Ipe preached the Gospel visiting various Church groups and ministries in various homes while visiting. The Church has now expanded further and is especially strongly focused on developing the youth.

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